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ISO 9001:2015 Quality management certified institute
ISO 9001:2015 Quality management certified institute
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Capacity building training for garage technicians in matara on 2023.02.26

Capacity building training for garage technicians in matara on 2023.02.26

Posted on 2023-12-27 12:39:28
Training programme for garage technicians was conducted in matara on 2023.02.26

Strengthen the technical support for proper Vehicle repair and maintenance facilities is an important elements of the VET programme towards achieving its objectives. VET conducts training programmes to provide technical support and technical input through vocational training institutions for the garages. Later, it is expected to conduct a country-wide survey of garages to identify of new garages by vehicle categories, to publish certified garages through public media district wise and to display the certified garages in the VET centers. However, the assessment on the capacity, technical skills, training, certification and standardization of repairing services and many other aspects in relation to those garages are being processed.